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Chapel Break Infant School

Building a culture of
Kindness, Community, Curiosity, & Excellence

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 I would like to extend a very warm welcome to all the  children, families and friends of Chapel Break Infant School. Thank you for welcoming me into your community last year, I thoroughly enjoyed getting to know you all and finding out what a special place Chapel Break is. We have a very exciting year ahead, all of which will be shared on the website and in our weekly newsletters.


Chapel Break Infant School is an exciting place to be. When you visit us, you will feel it as soon as you walk in the door! We offer all our children the opportunity to dream big and develop a true love for learning in a safe and nurturing environment. 

The vision of the school is ambitious and has been co-created by all staff, governors, children and families. It looks to promote our 4 values: we are kind, we work as a team, we are curious and we aim for excellence. Together we are promoting a new vision for the school of  ‘Building a culture of kindness, community, curiosity and excellence’.

Community is a strong theme that runs throughout our school. We look forward to working with you to ensure your child is valued as an individual and has a safe, happy and successful time with us. We are committed to all aspects of education and development, encouraging families to work in partnership with us to realise our aim, of successfully helping each and every child to aim for excellence and achieve their full potential. 


Mandy Turner - Headteacher

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What people say...

  • 'The school is a caring and open and friendly. school staff are always welcoming. My child is happy to attend school and I feel they look at the child as an individual. Thank you for being a caring school all 3 of my children have attended one of which has a disability and I have always had the support for my family'.
  • 'We are very grateful for the truly inclusive ethos of this school that enables both our children with very different strengths and needs to flourish'.
  • 'I have always been so happy with chapel break and I’m so glad I initially chose the school for my first child who is now eleven. My six year old loves her school and we are appreciative of how the children are encouraged to find their individual strengths and also be creative and kind'